Monday, December 22, 2008

Ginger Bread Houses!!

This is Kyle (Erin's brother) and his girlfriend Alicia (We like her, we hope that she'll keep Kyle)

This is the Cat that Ben made, he is a very creative one isn't he.

oh!! we are so cute together

This is Kyle and Alicia's gingerbread house. Don't look too close or it'll bust the PG rating (that bear in the front yard is in a puddle of "blood" with a stick through it)

This was Erin and Ben's Ginger bread house. We have a nice little trailer with a gazibo in the back and an igloo and cat complete with a mailbox.

The fiirst pregnant pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we are at four months, five more to go

I'm 22 years along, and about 70 more to go!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh Christmas tree, ooh christmas tree!!

This is our christmas tree that James and Cali gave us, thank you guys!

This is me decorating the tree, Erin insisted that we put that annoying tinsil up on the tree. I think that tinsil was made by the devil to kill vacumm cleaners.

Here is Erin having her little fun with the tinsil .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

School's Out!!!

Ben and I are both finally done for the semester. Things are a lot calmer and happier at our house now. The past two weeks have been a nightmare and our house has been very grumpy and unpleasant.
Now that school is out I actually feel like a wife again instead of a roomate. It is a nice feeling. I started to cook again for my husband so he gets more than just macaroni. I've also been doing some deep cleaning (for the next semester) and putting more pictures up on the walls. I don't want to bring the baby home to a blank walled empty house. Ben and I are trying to fill it up so it feels more homely. My sister and I went shopping the other day and I bought a bunch a of childrens books so that we can be ready. Ben and I are going to turn the second bedroom into the babies room. I want to go get some posters and decorations, but we still don't know if it's a boy or girl yet so we have to wait a little longer. I want to get a lot of the house finished up during the break because I know once school starts again we are going to both be very busy.
It has been really nice to be done for the semester I have more time to do all the things I think about. I finished my last final on Monday and Ben finished his this morning. Since we are both done now we decided to go out to lunch for celebration. We went out to Winger's. When we went in and sat down my stomach wasn't feeling too right, but I decided once I'd eaten I would feel better because I was starving. We got some wings and lemonade and we each got our meal. It was so delicious. I couldn't finish my meal because I was so stuffed. After we finished we started walking out to the car and it was then that my stomach started sloshing around. I was like 'oh no, not now' so I sucked it up and sang my happy song on the way to Walmart. We had to stop and get gas and I finally told Ben that I thought I was going to lose it so Ben searched all over the trunk and found me a plastic bag. I was just fine until we got to the Walmart parking lot. I hate that parking lot especially now because there are so many people doing last minute shopping that the parking lot is stop go, stop go. I could not handle it. I threw everything up from Winger's and then some. The only thing my sympathetic husband could say was, "you just puked up a $30 lunch, I can't believe you". Isn't he something? I told him that he ate too so my half was about $15 and I only ate half of my meal so really I only threw up $7.50 and it made him feel a lot better. What a punk.
My dear husband has had few moments today where he really shouldn't speak. He should just put his shoe in his mouth and let that be the end of it. Like for instance this morning we were talking about hot tubs. Ben said, "I really want to get one someday, I wish we were single" I just looked at him and I could tell he was thinking of how he was going to smooth that over so before he said anything I said, "Well that can be arranged if you really want." Ben is funny when he has his moments because sometimes he says stuff that just comes out the wrong way and when you look at him he has this face that just screams "oh man, I hope nobody caught that" and then when you make eye contact with him and he knows you caught it, it suddenly changes to "how can I dig myself out, hurry think of something." He is funny sometimes.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Decorations

This year we finally got to decorate for Christmas. Last year we were deprived because we were in the middle of a move so this year we had to make up for it. We put a lot of thought into how we wanted to decorate for Christmas. We decided to put up a whole bunch of window art.

Me and my cute little snowflakes.

Erin and Santa Clause

Now this an indication that either we are very into the Christmas spirit or an invitation for someone to break into our house.

This is Erin's favorite decoration that she has been telling everyone about. She wanted to post it to see if anyone noticed anything different?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Shopping

It is finally Thanksgiving break and I am so excited. This means that we only have two more weeks in the semester. YAY!
Today Ben and I went to Wal-Mart. We had our cute little shopping of about three items and left with about twenty items. We would have stayed in budget, but Ben suggested getting Christmas lights for the tree. So we went over to the Christmas section and lights just didn't seem justice. We had to get the little round ornaments, then that didn't seem good enough so we had to get the icicles (you know, the really messy ones, otherwise it's no fun). We just had to get a candle. It's my moms rule, if you have a fake tree you have to by a smelly candle to compensate. There wasn't a pine sented candle so we settled for vanilla. We decided that we need a little more than a tree to decorate this year to make up for our lack of decoration last year, so we got window decorations. After all that we realized we didn't even have stockings so then we had to get those. It was so much fun! I wanted to keep going, but we decided we better wait for next paycheck. Oh yeah, we also got a nativity set. I really embarrassed Ben over that one. Ben told me not to post the story on the blog, but it's kind of funny. Ben and I were in the same isle, but at opposite ends of the isle. I was looking at the nativity scenes and I saw this nativity scene with a black wiseman. In all the nativity scenes in my life I have never seen a black wiseman. So I said, "Hey Ben, come look at this nativity scene. There is a black wiseman." Ben was so embarrassed and ashamed of me. He came barreling toward me telling me to keep it down or I'm going to get us beat up and on top of all that he told me I was being racist. In my defense I just have to say that I love people of all shapes, sizes, and colors. I didn't mean anything bad by the wiseman scene, I just haven't ever seen a black wiseman in a nativity set before.
That's about the excitement of this week though. We went to the doctor earlier today. We heard the babies heart beat answered a few questions and that was about it. Ben and I will post pictures next week when we put up the decorations.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two dates in a week!

This week has been a really good week for Ben and I. We went out on two dates if you can believe it. We never get to go out. We only see each other on Sunday and Tuesday nights. Ben is very good though. My mom calls him my wife because he does practically everything. I have been so busy with the nursing program. I only work one shift a week, but I have so much studying and clinicals in another city on top of it that it feels like I can't find time for anything. Ben puts me to shame because he is doing really good in his classes and he works 32-40 hours a week and he cleans the house, on top of all that he helps me with my homework when I can't keep up. Lately he's been in a cooking cooking mode too. He is a hard worker and he never complains.
Ben asked me out on a hot date Tuesday night. He's such a big hunk of man love that I just couldn't resist. He took my to my favorite Chinese restaurant. It was so good. There was so much food that neither of us could finish even half of it. We also went to the video store and rented a couple movies and stayed up late watching them.
Thursday I had clinicals again. Only two left now (YAY!). Clinicals has been good for me as much as I whine about it. It has helped me learn a few things. It has helped me learn that as crude and vulgar as some people are they are still good people. It has desensitized me. I always thought that it was bad when someone gets desensitized to things, but I think there is good in it because for one you are really hard to offend and it makes you less likely to place judgement. Those are two good qualitites to have because people are going to be who they are going to be and there is not a lot you can do about it. If you get offended all the time nobody wants to be around you because that is the kind of person who can give it, but can't take it. If you judge people too soon nobody wants to be around you because any private thing they confide in you they are afraid you are going to tell others.
After clinicals I was on my way to Rulan and Kathy's so I could register Ben for fall classes, but then Ben called and told me he was skipping class so I had him do it. I hear I missed out on a great dinner though.
Saturday was an awesome day. Dallin came over. It has been a very long time since we've seen him. Ben and I set him up on a blind date with Allison, one of my nursing buddies. It was so fun. We went to Outerlimits and played blacklight golf. We played two rounds and the girls won both games (and p.s. for those doubters out there, I did not cheat, Dallin and Ben wouldn't even let me hold the score board). When we were finished we came back to our apartment and ate chicken nuggets for dinner. It was delicious. We played a couple games. Ben and I lost both games, one we lost by two points. It was so fun to have a group to play with. We haven't played with a group for a while. I think Dallin and Allison had a good time too. I called Dallin after he took her home and he told me he got her number. Hopefully there will be a second date because I am a pretty good people matcher if I do say so myself.
Here are a couple pictures back from Halloween (I still have to get my sisters dancing pictures posted, when I get their dvd I will post it).

This is one of Ben's masterpieces. They were sure yummy!

I would like to say that this is what we did Halloween, but we were both really sick and in bed all day, but we still had a pumpkin to carve and we didn't want to waste it so this is the week after Halloween.

This is just an in-the-dark picture. Kind of cool.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Not too much happened last week, but I am bound and determined to make a new post each week so that we don't get behind again. Ben and I were both very busy this last week. Ben had a few tests and so did I so we didn't see each other very much. We did, however, manage to find time to do our patriotic duty and vote on election day. We went over to Center St. and cast our ballots. It was pretty worthless though. Ben was feeling sympathetic and voted for Ralph Nader and I voted for Rulan Cook and neither won. Don't worry Rulan, I won't give up on you. I will vote for you again 2012 and if Ralph Nader is still alive I'm sure Ben will vote for him.
I went to Idaho Falls Wednesday night and went to Chelsie and Angie's Dr. Slaughter DARE awards. The girls have been working really hard since July learning dances with the Dr. Slaughters DARE 'vampire dance team' and volunteered their time and energy to the DARE program. DARE puts on a spook house every year and these kids volunteer to help. They spend 5-9 hours six days a week just in the month of October to help raise money for DARE and they don't get a cent of it. I could never do that. DARE gave gave them a dvd of them dancing at the spook house I will load it on the blog for anyone who wants to see them dance.
Thursday I had clinicals. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate clinicals? If I haven't then now you know I do. After clinicals was over I went to Rulan and Kathy's. Ben was jealous (as he should have been). He was in Pocatello at his biology lab while I was eating steaks and playing skipbo with his mom and dad. I know I shouldn't rub it in, but I know he would if it were him so I have to get a jab in every chance I get.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weekly Events

This has been a long week for both Ben and I. I have had morning sickness everyday this week and not one day has gone without me throwing up. On top of all of that I brought a lovely cold home that I think I caught from one of the little nursery kids. I started getting sick from the cold on Tuesday and it was in full effect by Friday. Ben was even sick. We both layed in bed until noon. Ben was funny. He was really sick and he was laying in bed and I was in and out of the bathrooom throwing up and I said to Ben, "I hate today, I feel so awful" and he said, "I know how you feel" so I said, "Oh, are you pregnant too". I was just being a smart-aleck, but there was a lot of truth to it.
Poor Ben had a bad day Friday all in all. He was sick and he had to work at 2:00 and his shift was awful because all the residents were acting up then after his shift he called me on the phone (or so he says, I do not remember this conversation at all) and it woke me up and he asked if I wanted him to pick me up something from the store. He was being so nice and thoughtful, but apparently I told him that he was a jerk for something or other and then I hung up on him. I don't remember the phone call at all. I don't even remember him coming home, but I remember him getting into bed and he was so grumpy and I asked him why he was so grumpy, but he wouldn't talk to me and so I got mad at him because to my knowledge I hadn't done anything and then in the morning he told me what happened and I felt bad, but at the same time I told him I was sleep talking so he shouldn't take it personal. Poor guy.
Earlier this week Ben and I went to the monthy check up. We kind of got to hear the heart beat. The nurse turned on a monitor and noise was coming from it, but I've never seen one of those things before so I didn't know what the noise was and the nurse didn't say anything so I just thought it was the machine. Then Ben asked if the noise was the babies heartbeat and the nurse said yes and then shut it off. I wanted to choke her because she didn't explain anything and I have never done this before so how was I supposed to know what it was, so it kind of took away from the moment, but at least we know for next time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just the two of us

For over a year it has been just the two of us. We have had a lot of fun together anywhere from going on trips to staying at home and playing games or going to Rigby to visit the folks. We decided that since we have so much fun together that we should expand beyond ourselves, thus our time alone together is coming to a close.
We are expecting our first baby May 25th.

September Barbeque

Ben and I have been very very busy since school has been going. We haven't had much time to do anything, but today I finally decided I would update the blog since we are almost two months behind. The only problem is that our camera has been out of reach (just to clarify, I didn't lose the camera, I just simply couldn't find it for a while) since we had a family barbeque in September so the last pictures we have are from the barbeque so here are the pictures.

Here is Ben with Carmel (he is staring at the juicy steaks on the grill).

Angie came to join him.

Kyle brought a guest, but we hope he keeps her.

Here is my mom, the master chef, and her accomplice Chelsie.

Here is their sidekick Kurtis (his wife was missing at the time of the picture).

After the barbeque we went and got pictures of us six kids with our mom (it was a long process and lots of butts were pinched).

After pictures we relaxed, here is Ashley and Angie.

Ben came and sat on me, but not for long because....

Priorities are first and Ben's priorities are with 'the boys' and Halo.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ben and I were also able to visit Lagoon. Ben dragged me around to all the rides that I never wanted to be on in the first place just to see if he could get me to lose my lunch. Luckily, I didn't eat before I went on the rides or else the workers would have quite a mess to clean up. That's okay though because I dragged Ben on the Skycoaster and he screamed like a little girl. Unfortunately Lagoon doesn't do video's anymore and we didn't have anybody there to record us.

Here we are just before take-off.

Here is another picture of us shortly after. We had to take a break and sit on a bench for about a half hour to recuperate.

The Hogle Zoo

Our first day to Utah Ben and I were able to visit the Hogle Zoo. It's been a very long time since I've been there last and it's the very first time Ben has been. We had a lot of fun. The best part was when we saw a snake eat a rabbit.
Ben and me in the aligator place (we couldn't get a picture of the aligator because it was behind glass so you couldn't see it very well on the camera).
This is the first elephant that Ben has ever seen.
Ben just can't get away from Convergys!
Here is Donkey Kong (Ps we also found Bowser).

Friday, August 22, 2008

1st Anniversary

Ben and I have officially been married for over a year now. It has been a very good year at that. Dating was always fun, but being married is something else... something better. Here is a then and now picture of Ben and I.

This picture was taken at Kurt & Tristan's wedding reception, just 2 weeks after we were married.

This picture was taken at Lagoon on our 1st anniversary trip to Utah almost 2 weeks ago.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Its da bunny! Who Found her?

So on sunday morning about two weeks ago Erin was getting ready to ditch me for the next few days to attend her family's secret womens gathering cult thing. So after putting all her stuff in the car we are getting ready to go when we see a rabbit sitting on my fathers lawn. Erin of course runs after it going "come here cute little bunny". It ran off and lo and behold this is what we saw underneath where it was

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Ben and I haven't been able to post for a few weeks. We sold our laptop and had to wait to get our new computer in the mail. Then when we did get it in the mail we got too busy to update the blog. Ben and I have both been working hard. This last pay period we have both put in over 100 hours each. We both worked the 4th of July. We worked a 15 hour day. We got off work at 10:00 and drove to upper campus and pulled over at the Holt to watch the fireworks then we went home and went to bed. Other than that there isn't too much new going on. Ben and I haven't had time to do much or take many pictures since our last post because we've both been busy working. We do have a couple unposted pictures, but I can't post them until next week because I don't know where the cords are to hook the camera up so stay tuned for next week.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sabbath Day Recreation

Ben and I decided that since Sunday and Monday are our only days off together we should enjoy them, especially since it is a bright sunny weekend. We decided to challenge Kurtis and Tristan to a little Sabath day two-hand-touch. Needless to say we wasted them.... actually we lost miserably, but we lost gracefully.

Ben took the loss a little hard and he needed a hug to help cope.

Here is Kurt and Tristan with the victory ball.

There's always next Sunday.

What game isn't complete without someone getting pooped on. Don't worry after being hosed down with a water bottle and rolling around in the grass we got it all taken care of.

Now you see it; now you don't

As you all know a poll was put up on the blog a week ago. The poll was, "What would you rather see, Ben with shaved legs or Erin in pigtails". Our voters chose to see Ben with shaved legs. Ben refused to shave his legs unless he had a venus razor, so this week we went and bought one. Here are the long awaited pictures.

He looks so thrilled doesn't he?

Erin decide that we should buzz the legs with the hair trimmers first to cut down on accidents that may occur while shaving legs.

Erin is all smiles, but Ben is not too happy.

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

Ben was a frowny face up until the time I made him put on a pair of pants and then he felt great.

We are not copy cats!!

So we finally decided to do it... we went camping. Ben didn't have his CNA class this week and Erin just plain didn't want to go to work so we packed up our things and we went camping. We were about 2 1/2 hours into our trip with no campsite around so what did we decide to do. Erin made Ben stop the car in the middle of nowhere to go knock on a total strangers door to see if there was anything in the area. Ben actually had a pretty good 15 minute conversation with the guy and now knows the malad pass area quite, well I must say. So after a quick trip into Weston we found a pretty good spot and we decided to set up camp.

I have one question, does anyone see Erin in this picture?

There she is, great of her to show up.

Another cute picture of us.

Us with our new camping stuff.

Now all we have to do is figure out how to work it all (we succeeded after 2 calls to Dad and a very informitive instruction manual).

Isn't she just the cutest little thing!

You have no idea how scared Ben was.

Haha, FIRE!!!