Monday, December 22, 2008

Ginger Bread Houses!!

This is Kyle (Erin's brother) and his girlfriend Alicia (We like her, we hope that she'll keep Kyle)

This is the Cat that Ben made, he is a very creative one isn't he.

oh!! we are so cute together

This is Kyle and Alicia's gingerbread house. Don't look too close or it'll bust the PG rating (that bear in the front yard is in a puddle of "blood" with a stick through it)

This was Erin and Ben's Ginger bread house. We have a nice little trailer with a gazibo in the back and an igloo and cat complete with a mailbox.

The fiirst pregnant pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we are at four months, five more to go

I'm 22 years along, and about 70 more to go!