Friday, September 4, 2009

Family Pictures Are Here

Pictures are finally here. Enjoy!!

Our Big Boy!

Our big boy is three months old to the day in this picture. This boy is developing quite the personality. He's got lady killer eyes that just break your heart looking at him, just like his cousin Cameron. It's a good thing those two boys don't live in the same town or there would be no ladies left in the town for all the other baby boys. He's also really cute just like his cousin Katelyn. In fact if you compare their baby pictures they look just like brother and sister. It's the Cook in them. He is a good baby boy. He is just so sweet. He rolled over for the first time a couple days ago. He hasn't been able to do it again since then, but he's working on it. He is a true boy, there is no mistaking that. He likes to cuddle with his mom and fart with his dad. We love him so much. He has brought a lot of joy into our lives.

Pajama Party

A couple weekends ago Ashley, Ben, Travis, and I decided we wanted to be hermits and hole up in our apartment. So we all told a few fibs posted a note on the door that said "Anniversary in Progress" We put a tie on the door, covered up the windows, locked the doors, got in matching pajamas, and watched movies and ate junk food all night. It was the first night all of us were home together at the same time. It was a bunch of fun!!