Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Teddy Bear Clinic

A week or two ago I was able to take the kids to the annual Teddy Bear Clinic to get the kids' stuffed friends a check up. They had a lot of fun and they had some company this year.

The past couple of days we've been vegging out at the house. Ben's had a lot of study time and everyone has been interrupting his study time because we've all really missed our Daddy time. He's a good sport though and I think he really enjoys his little study breaks to spend time with the kids. On another note Macie Jo has finally started crawling on her hands and knees rather than just army crawling. Occasionally you'll see her try to stand as she crawls and it looks more like a bear crawl because she's using her hands and her butt is up in the air while she tip toes along. We have also all discovered Macie's love for spaghetti. Her new favorite meal if you couldn't tell from the pictures below! Natalie is all registered for preschool. She starts in the fall. She's pretty excited to go. Every time she sees Travis go off to school she gets a little jealous. Won't be long before she is going herself. I wish I had pictures from swimming lessons, but I don't. Travis has been doing so well. Michael Phelps doesn't have anything on this kid! He has passed every level every time. He is pretty hilarious to watch out in the water. He is definitely the craziest of all the kids and always the first to volunteer. I'm really excited to take him swimming this summer so he can show everyone what he's been working. on.