Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Ben!

As everybody knows this week is Ben's birthday. His birthday hasn't even really come yet and it already hasn't turned out so well. I have to work on Ben's birthday so I was going to surprise him and trade a friend a shift so I could be home and make him a good dinner and we could eat cake and play games, but then the person I was going to trade lost their job out of the blue so I have no one else to trade. So we decided to celebrate Ben's birthday last Friday, but then he had a lot of classes to study for so we moved it to Saturday. Saturday came along and I made him the cake, but then forgot that I didn't buy any candles so we just ate the cake and between General Conference and Ben studying we didn't have much play time. I was so excited to give him his gift. I bought him Guild Wars extension pack or something like that. At the end of the day (like 9:30) I finally got Ben to open his gift and he was so excited to play it. I knew I had just done right, but it turns out that you can't buy a used computer game because there is only one access code. Whoops. Now (surprise, surprise) we can't contact the seller for a refund or exchange. So Ben's birthday was a flop and it hasn't even come yet, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Maybe we will have to re-celebrate next weekend.

At least Travis was able to enjoy the cake.

The Adventures of Travis and Colonel

Travis sure loves his puppy Colonel. They are like peas in a pod. They go back and forth tormenting each other until one gives up and leaves. Travis was really on one the other day. He was tormenting Colonel to no end. Colonel ended up leaving and going to his crate for a break. Did this stop Travis? NOPE! I turn my head for one minute the next thing I know Travis had chased after Colonel and crawled in his crate to give him some more trouble.

And we were afraid we would be protecting Travis from getting bit...

RAR!! Hear me roar.