Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Ben and I haven't been able to post for a few weeks. We sold our laptop and had to wait to get our new computer in the mail. Then when we did get it in the mail we got too busy to update the blog. Ben and I have both been working hard. This last pay period we have both put in over 100 hours each. We both worked the 4th of July. We worked a 15 hour day. We got off work at 10:00 and drove to upper campus and pulled over at the Holt to watch the fireworks then we went home and went to bed. Other than that there isn't too much new going on. Ben and I haven't had time to do much or take many pictures since our last post because we've both been busy working. We do have a couple unposted pictures, but I can't post them until next week because I don't know where the cords are to hook the camera up so stay tuned for next week.