Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stress Free Weekend!

This weekend Ben and I finally got to go home!! We were both really excited to go spend time with our families because it doesn't seem like we get to all that often during the school year. Here are some pictures Chelsie took for Ben and I. Unfortunately we didn't get to take any at Ben's house because we couldn't get our camera to keep a charge. However, for those of you who are wondering I did get my steak. It was a good steak too. It melted in my mouth and for a little while I thought I was in the Celestial Kingdom, so thanks Rulan. You can leave the toilet seat up at my house anytime for one those.

Here is the group of us Friday night playing Jenga. That is the adopted sister Karli in the left-hand corner if you are wondering. Chelsie is behind the camera. Kyle and Alicia are eating in the kitchen and Ashley is at work.
Here is Ben and I. We decided to call it a tie between us because we were the only two that didn't knock the tower over.

Here's Ben making his move.

We had to get one of Chelsie in here because she was the designated picture taker all night.