Thursday, May 1, 2008


They so lost against us Go easy, we're old!!
Keep your eye on the ball
I believe I can fly.....I believe I can touch the sky
Look at me I'm on the top of the world

The Girlios

After seeing our new stake president, we decided (or rather chelsie decided for us) that we should visit angie and chelsie. We did and we had a great time with them, we laughed and giggled and made fun of Erin alot. Then Erin and Chelsie decided to set up a badmitton set and two hours later we played.

How many blondes does it take to put a badmitton set together?
Angie says 2
Ben thinks 3
Nah, we'll just leave it at 2
She had no idea what was coming

Fishing with Josh

So we get up to Rigby and were sitting at mom and dads place a little bored when Josh had a brilliant idea, lets go fishing. So Josh, Erin and I all skipped merrily to the boat and had ourselfs a great time fishing. Of course Josh was the only one that caught anything but we still had a really good time.
A pretty good size one I must say

What you looking at punk

You and Me just a fishin in the dark.....

Erin in her fishing hat

Its a pretty place isn't it

The New Stake Pres

This is our new stake president, pretty cool huh. I grabbed my camera and we did a little photo shoot so we could get a good picture of him on his church information. So we'll let you guys be the judges of that.