Saturday, January 26, 2008

The mysterious mystery

So if you haven't been able to tell yet, it is Ben that has added the last four posts to our Blog. But anyways, here is what I call the mysterious mystery. James might be able to tell me an answer, and thats why I just won't ask, because I like the name mysterious mystery. So keep in mind that we live two blocks away from campus, not to far but still a fourth mile to a half mile away. Well, one day I was playing my new favorite game halo on our computer in my apartment and I exited out and I looked down and to my amazement, I had internet. So I looked to see from where and I was getting it from the college that is two blocks away. We had to pay for a computer account there for one of Erin's classes and we brought our labtop with us and had them add it to the schools network so Erin could take the labtop to school and have internet. Well, lo and behold while most have difficulty getting internet even on campus, we get internet two blocks away in one specific spot in our house. I have nick named the spot, the sweet spot. Move too far to the left or too far to the right and the sweet spot just goes away. Pictures of the sweet spot soon to come.

The Boo Boo

So as we all know, Erin has been experimenting for the last little while at cutting hair. She has always done a great job with my hair and she did a really good job with Kurt's hair too. So then came Kyle, he wanted to save some money and so he had Erin cut his hair. Here are the pictures.

I think at this point he was getting a little scared.

This is where he started to voice his concerns

And oops, he moved too much and went to the barber afterwards to help ease his concious. I personally thought it was a very fashionable half circle out of his hair.

Mormon Tabernacle choir

TheMormon Tabernacle Choir put on a wonderful concert this year with the special guests the king singers. It was a wonderful concert and we had a wonderful time with Kurt and Tristen and her Brother and his wife. Temple square is beautiful in the winter time. (didn't get any pictures though for some reason, we'll just blame that one on Erin, it's her turn)

Here is the Conference center as it was filling up with people.

Okay, Okay, this one was my bad and not Erins. I admit it.

We were made for each other!


Christmas was a blast this year for Erin and I. We both had a blast, we went down to both our parents places and saw all our brothers and sisters, it was great!!

Susan was santa's little helper this year, so he gave her some new pajamas. Ask Ben for the full story.
Aren't we such a wonderfully cute couple?

I love my mother in law!

We got to see James and Cali and our beautiful neice Katelyn. Isn't she a cutie (we don't have a picture of Cali, she was working behind the scenes).


Well we have finally done it, we have moved from Rexburg to Pocatello. It was a pretty painful move, we have no idea where we got so much stuff from but at least it happened on the week that I had finals and Ben didn't have school so it was very good that he had something to do.

What Ben was doing while Erin was studying

Isn't it amazing how much stuff you can gather in such a short amount of time?!

We want to really thank Doug, Susan, Rulan and Kathy for all their help in our move. They saved us a lot of money by letting us use their trucks. You guys really helped us out. We love you guys! Your the best parents anybody could ever ask for!

BEN!!!! What were you doing while I was studying!!