Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sabbath Day Recreation

Ben and I decided that since Sunday and Monday are our only days off together we should enjoy them, especially since it is a bright sunny weekend. We decided to challenge Kurtis and Tristan to a little Sabath day two-hand-touch. Needless to say we wasted them.... actually we lost miserably, but we lost gracefully.

Ben took the loss a little hard and he needed a hug to help cope.

Here is Kurt and Tristan with the victory ball.

There's always next Sunday.

What game isn't complete without someone getting pooped on. Don't worry after being hosed down with a water bottle and rolling around in the grass we got it all taken care of.

Now you see it; now you don't

As you all know a poll was put up on the blog a week ago. The poll was, "What would you rather see, Ben with shaved legs or Erin in pigtails". Our voters chose to see Ben with shaved legs. Ben refused to shave his legs unless he had a venus razor, so this week we went and bought one. Here are the long awaited pictures.

He looks so thrilled doesn't he?

Erin decide that we should buzz the legs with the hair trimmers first to cut down on accidents that may occur while shaving legs.

Erin is all smiles, but Ben is not too happy.

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

Ben was a frowny face up until the time I made him put on a pair of pants and then he felt great.

We are not copy cats!!

So we finally decided to do it... we went camping. Ben didn't have his CNA class this week and Erin just plain didn't want to go to work so we packed up our things and we went camping. We were about 2 1/2 hours into our trip with no campsite around so what did we decide to do. Erin made Ben stop the car in the middle of nowhere to go knock on a total strangers door to see if there was anything in the area. Ben actually had a pretty good 15 minute conversation with the guy and now knows the malad pass area quite, well I must say. So after a quick trip into Weston we found a pretty good spot and we decided to set up camp.

I have one question, does anyone see Erin in this picture?

There she is, great of her to show up.

Another cute picture of us.

Us with our new camping stuff.

Now all we have to do is figure out how to work it all (we succeeded after 2 calls to Dad and a very informitive instruction manual).

Isn't she just the cutest little thing!

You have no idea how scared Ben was.

Haha, FIRE!!!

Too Much Estrogen!!!

We had a surprise visit this week from Erin's family. There is so much estrogen in the room I could hardly breath. I might also point out the milk duds that Erin is holding, that was her father's day present (why she gets a present on father's day is beyond me).

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Comming Soon!

If you didn't know, Ben lost the last poll so he will be getting his legs shaved this week and we will post pictures next week. We would have done that today, but my sister Chelsie convinced Ben that if he is going to shave his legs he needs to shave them with a venus razor so now Ben won't shave his legs until we get him the right razor.

Massage Therapy

If you are in need of a good hard massage come on over!

Late to bed, late to rise

Ben and I came home from church one Sunday and I went to see if Ashley went to church or if she slept in because she had worked the night before. She looked so cute in her sleep that I just had to take a picture.
He woke up right before I took the picture.

Ben keeps trying to take a picture of me with my face off, but he hasn't got it quite yet.

As you can see, it is quite bright outside. It is probably 10:00, but it sure felt like 6:00 in the morning after working a late night and then staying up a few hours later watching smallville and playing mexican trains.

We are prepared..... well at least for 72 hours.

These pictures are from last week, I just couldn't figure out how to get them off the camera and onto the computer. I think I have the idea now. Anyway, Ben and I have been talking about making a 72-hour kit since we've been married... 10 months later, I finally put the foot down and told Ben we need to get it made with our next check. We have only made one, but that is better than nothing. It was actually really fun to go out and spend money on odd things. We got all kinds of neat things that I hope we never have to use, but at least we have it if we need it. We are planning on making the second one in a few weeks so hopfully that will be sooner than the next 10 months.

At this point I was thinking, "If I ever get stranded in the wilderness I hope Ben is with me because I don't even know what most of this stuff is for!"

This was actually Ben's nifty idea. I wanted to make a little medicine pack, but it's kind of tight to put in a bunch of pill bottles (even the little ones) so ben and I got a circluar weekly pill container and put different pills in each slot and labeled the outside slot.

This -by far- was my most favorite item in the kit.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Same old thing, different day.

This past week Ben and I haven't been up to too much. I finally got my day shift switched to evenings so now Ben and I get to see each other during the day again. There was lots of stuff that happened at work this week for both Ben and me.
Ben got beat up by an old lady in the hospital and he had to give his first enema this week. He's really learning the meaning of dirty work. He has really been enjoying his new job. I think that he is really a great person for this type of work because with his personality he is really helping a lot of people in the hospital. They say that Beacon is the facility that they send the worst people to. Beacon takes in residents that nobody else will. It is a major behavioral facility. As I have worked there and observed some of the residents it's amazing realize that a lot of the behaviors that the residents have come from really crappy cna's and nurses. If every cna and nurse behaved in a good calm manner I think it would decrease the behaviors. It doesn't happen like that though. I have seen a cna yell at an old lady for not eating her food and I've seen another cna order a resident who is completely coherant resident around over the most rediculous thing. There are residents who aren't with it and can't do things for themselves so they have to have a cna with them at all times and sometimes the cna that is with them doesn't want to do anything so they keep the resident in bed the whole shift so that they can sit on their butt and watch tv for eight hours. What makes Ben a great cna is that he actually talks to the residents. He finds out what they like and what their hobbies are so he can talk to them so they feel like someone listens to them. Even if Ben can't find a common interest with a resident he makes something up and pretends he knows what he's talking about just to keep the resident entertained for a while. He's really good with the sex offenders too. One of the old men asked a female aid to sit on his lap and Ben stepped in and asked if he could sit in his lap and the old man was disturbed by it and left the girl cna's alone. He's a good cna and a lot of the behaviors have gone down since he's been back there.
Work is going well for me also. I got punched in the face by an old woman. It took me by surprise because I didn't even see it coming. I just thanked her for helping me wake up and then I finished helping her go to the bathroom and went about the rest of my shift. There is one old lady who is the meanest lady I've ever met, but I absolutely love her and I'm probably the only one who loves her too. Every time I walk in the building I have to walk past her room to clock in and she always calls for me from her bedroom so she can ask if I'm working on her hall and she gets upset if I'm not. One of my other favorite ladies is kind of off her rocker. I was working until 10:00 one evening and I went to check on her and she was trying to crawl out of bed. I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to get up and change immediately. I told her it was time to go to bed and asked her why she wanted to change. She said her shirt was too ugly and she needed a different one. She made me and one other cna put her in a dress so she could go to bed pretty. She is so funny. She has a purple bed and she loves it. She won't let you cover it up because she wants the purple showing. She will sit in her room for hours staring at her bed saying, "purple, purple, purple..." Most of the old men like me, but one old man hates me for some unknown reason. He asked me if I had kids and when I told him I didn't he said that it was a good thing because I wasn't fit to be a mother. That might have hurt my feelings, but it didn't because coming from a sex offender he obviously wasn't fit to be a father. I wanted to spit back a rude witty remark, but I decided that it would just start a battle that wasn't worth it. On the other hand I have an old man that waves to me until I acknowledge his presence from clear across the cafeteria and there is another man that always goes to bed after dinner and he invited me to go with him on more that one occation. They either love you or they hate you and more often than not, you want neither.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Puttering Man

Today we join our local puttering man in his escapades around the house and outside of it. Let's join our putterer:

Here we have the strawberry plants which are still in recovery since their little black out period with the painters. We have successfully relocated these neglected plants and are hoping for the best.

Here we have our snapdragons which are doing very well as you can see and we are hoping for flowers in the next few weeks.

We aren't really sure what will happen to these butes, they aren't doing the best right now, but we giving they some tender loving care and are hoping for the best, if not I always have more seeds.

Here we have the putterer working on an abused drawer who had an unfortunate meeting with a certain woman living in the house. We are hoping for a full recovery. Anger management is still in progress.

That poor poor drawer.

Prime Real Estate

One day we were sitting in our apartment when suddenly things started getting really dark. It just so happened that three men outside were starting to tape up the outside of our windows. After a day or two these men came back and they started working on the house. About a week later the tape came down and this is the product of their work.
I wonder if they are going to change the rent with all of the improvements they have made?
This is what our aparment is currently looking like (on the outside at least, Ben keeps the inside looking spotless).

This is the butt... I mean the back side

This is our bathroom window, do you like our curtain/sheet?

They think they are so funny don't they