Saturday, May 30, 2009

Travis Jay Cook

Tuesday morning at 4:30 a.m. Ben and I welcomed our newest member of our family Travis Jay (named after his daddy and his Grandpa Cook). He was a very naughty boy and gave his parents and Grandma quite the scare. They started me on Cytotec at 7:30 p.m. and around 8:30 or 9:00 I started having contractions. The contractions werevery long and abnormal. I had one that was 4 minutes and then one that was almost 7. Every time I had one Travis's heart rate went down to 66. A bunch of nurses came in and put me in different positions and strapped oxygen to my head. They couldn't get a hold of my doctor so they called the on-call doctor and told me I was going in for a c-section. Ben signed a bunch of papers so we could go, but just as we were leaving my doctor called and told the nurses to wait until he got there. They gave me two shots of this medication to stop the contractions and it made me get the shakes really bad for the rest of the night. When the doctor got there he told us he wanted us to hold out until midnight so we did, but I had one more bad contraction so he came in and broke my water around midnight and after that everything went smoothly and he came happy and healthy. I wasn't going to get an epidural, but after I started throwing up my mom talked me into it. I held off until 2:00 so I only had it in for 2 1/2 hours so I'm not a complete wimp.

There is no question about it, Ben is the daddy. The only thing he got from me was his big eyes and curly toes.

Grandma Hagg (a name picked by my sister) and Travis.

Daddy and Travis.

Mommy and Travis.

Here is his big blue sleepy eyes.

He is a very happy baby, he has already started to giggle in his sleep.

He is a little camera shy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Finals Week

There is nothing more stressful in our house than finals week. It is usually the week Ben and I stay away from eachother and don't talk because we are both so stressed we don't have anything nice to say at all. Usually we live off of pizza and rootbeer all week, but this time we lived off of peanut butter and jelly and two loafs of bread. That is all we ate all week and I'm not exaggerating, these two jars were full with the seal on them at the beginning of finals week and now they are down to this. I think it will be a while before we will have peanut butter and jelly again!

Our stress and studying did pay off though. We both pulled out with all A's. I had a close call. I have a 5 credit class I was getting an 89.95% in, but it turns out on the final there was a question with all the right answers on it, but for some reason the computer marked it all wrong so with that one correction I pulled out with an A-.