Saturday, September 26, 2009

And They Called It Puppy Love...

Travis just couldn't resist stopping at his girlfriends house to visit while we were in town this weekend. Here are some pictures of the two love birds.

Paityn and Travis

Travis is a slick little guy. I'm not sure if he was going in for a kiss or if he was whispering sweet nothings in to Paityn's ear, but either way...

He got busted by Tuesdee, Paityn's mom, and got a talking to about trying to kiss girls in front of the parents. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

While we were in Rigby this weekend we went out to the ball game to watch Angie dance. Don't let that cute little girl fool you, she can shake her bon-bon. We were impressed!

Angie is the dark-haired one on the left.

Unfortunately Angie came out blurry in this one, but that's just because she was getting her groove on so well.

She is in the middle in this one.

and this one too...

This was the first of many ball games Travis will go to.

He got a little bored after the dancing was over.

It was a great time going to the ball game. It reminded me of when Ben and I were in high school and all the games we met up at. It never was about watching the game because it's Rigby and so we knew our team would lose, it was about the memories of going to the game to 'hang out' with friends (at least that's what we told our parents) and holding hands under the blanket in the freezing cold and trying to think of something to do to get out of the cold, but the hard part was thinking of something that would be like a date, but wouldn't count as a date because you can't steady date in high school (at least that's what our parents told us). AH, and here we are today. Happily married with all those memories and stories to tell our beautiful baby boy.

It's Always Fun When Travis Comes!

We went home this weekend to visit. It was quick, but it was nice to be home. Ben and I are both getting a little homesick and sick of Pocatello so every once in a while we have to go back home, even if it's just for a couple hours. Travis doesn't complain either because he loves getting spoiled by his grandparents.

You've Been Blogged!

It's people like this that make me feel better about myself when I think I've done something stupid!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Finally Over!

This last week has been long and exhausting. I worked 5 12hour noc shifts in a row and Ben played Mr. Mom. We are both glad to have this week over because we haven't had much family time.

I learned all sorts of things at work this week. The first thing I learned is how to flush a catheter. See when people have in a foley catheter sometimes you have to flush water through it to make sure the catheter doesn't get clogged. The catheter has a port to flush it and a port that is used specifically to keep the catheter in the bladder (it is the port that blows the ballon up to keep the catheter inside you). Well I learned this the hard way. A lady asked me to flush her so I went and asked a nurse to help me. The nurse threw me two 10 ml syringes and said just push them into the port. I was a little frustrated because she wouldn't come with me, so I had to figure it out myself. Whoops, I pushed 20 ml of water into the balloon port. The balloon burst and there were absolutely no supplies for me to fix it. This all of course happened right at the end of my shift so I was dreading the next nurse coming in and yelling at me for leaving her a mess. Luckily it was a nurse that loves my mom so because she loves my mom she loves me by association so she took care of it for me.

The second thing I learned is what my mom has always told me. Family either thinks you are the best nurse in the world or the worst nurse in the world. One night this week a daughter of a resident came in looking for the nurse caring for her mother (which was me) then chewed me out for not calling her the night before at 2:30 in the morning when her mom had a high blood sugar. The next night, I left a breathing treatment in a ladies room after giving her evening meds. Her dad brought it out to me and told me what a good nurse I was.

The third thing I learned is that it doesn't matter who did it or didn't do it, if you are the one delivering the message to the doctor you are the one who is going to get yelled at for it. A lady had a fall on my shift so I had to fill out all the paper work and leave a message with the DNS. The only thing I couldn't do was call the doctor because no doctor wants to get woken up in the middle of the night to hear their patient fell, but there is not a mark on them. I left that duty to day shift. 7pm rolls around and I am back on shift. Nobody called the doctor, nobody called the family. The nurse I was relieving told me not to worry about it and she would take care of it Monday. I of course didn't wait. I called the doctor as soon as she left and the doctor was upset with me because he should have been called earlier in the day.

The fourth and most important thing I learned was to never, never, never pick up 60 hours in one week ever again!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome To The Gun Show

Uncle Kyle came over tonight. He decided to show Travis how to do a gun show. If you look close you will notice that both of them have little belly hang-overs.

Grandpa Johnson wasn't doing to well so this last Thursday I called in sick to work so Ben and I could take Travis up to see him. He was sure glad to see us. We sat and talked to him for a couple of hours. We had a great visit and Ben and I were both very impressed by the place he is staying at. After our visit we decided to hit Park City on the way home. We got lost, so thank goodness for cell phones and family that know their way around. Here are some pictures from our short little trip.

Travis got a brand new shirt. It fits him well.

On the car ride home Travis got his hands on a blanket that was sitting by his carseat. How he got ahold of it, I don't know, but he sure loved the feel of it.

Here is Ben giving Travis kisses and loves in Grandpa Johnson's room.

In these next pictures Grandpa Johnson decided to take a quick nap. Travis decided to join him.

A Visit From Aunt Becky

Here is a face we don't get to see as often as we would like to. Aunt Becky was passing through Pocatello last Sunday and she stopped to visit her nephew. Thanks for stopping by.

Crazy Days

If you ever get bored come to our house. There is never a dull moment.

Don't do this at home. Tim came over to our house to hang out. Ashley wanted him to give her a piggyback and then when she was on his back she saw Travis laying in his pack-n-play and decided she wanted to bring him along for the ride. Silly mom takes the fun out of everything and made them put him down and then lectured them for trying to carry her baby like that.

Now that school is back in session nap times are harder to come by for everybody so when we get the opportunity we take advantage of them.

Speaking of nap time. Travis finally moved up to his 3-6 month clothes. We put him in his newest church outfit and he decided it needed a little color to it. Needless to say it took it all out of him, but at least he felt better when it was finished.

When I was pregnant I found a leap frog toy and I had to buy it. We decided to see if Travis was big enough for it. What do you think?

At our house the momma does the bills and the daddy take them to the mailbox, but he always brings a buddy along with him.

Here is our naked boy trying to escape from getting his diaper put back on.

If you haven't heard, our sister-dog Jazzy died a couple weeks ago. Jazzy had a boyfriend named Mater who is the yellow dog in this picture. Mater still comes over to look for Jazzy almost everyday. When I came home one weekend Mater tried to eat me so my mom had to come save me. Don't worry about Mater though my mom got us a new sister-dog named Cracker. She's too young for Mater yet, but she'll get there. Pictures of Cracker are to come.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Joys of The Elderly

Now that I have my nursing license I got a job prn at a nursing home. I have been orienting for the past three weeks and I just finished my orientation last night. Apparently I finished with an impression. When I got to work I started gathering the old folks up into the dining room. One of the ladies there is absolutely crazy. I love her. She was actually starred in a movie with John Wayne in her younger years. Anyway, she cracks me right up. Well the nurse orienting me, my sister Ashley, and I went in the dining room to feed the ones that needed help. I sat by Ashley, who was feeding this old crazy lady, but the lady refused to eat. Both Ashley and I tried to talk her into it, but she wasn't having any of it. She kept saying all these things with her loud sheep sounding voice. She said it was a legal issue why she couldn't eat and she needed to talk to the judge. Ashley told her the court house was closed because it closes at 5:00 and it was 6:00. She looked at me and said something about how the priest didn't want her to eat and I should listen to the priest. I told her that I didn't know because I slept through my alarm clock on Sunday and missed church. She looked at me and said, "I hope your world comes crashing down on you and bad things happen to you. I hope bad things happen to you times 300." Then soon after that I took her out with me so I could keep an eye on her while I did my pill pass because she kept trying to climb out of her wheel chair. My mom showed up to bring Ashley and I dinner. When my mom came over to see me the old lady said to my mom, "Don't believe anything this lady tells you. She is a liar and a thief." It was so dang funny. I did manage to get her to finally take her pills, how I did I don't know, but I did. She finally got calmed down and one of the aids gave her some Mountain Dew so she was happy after that. When she got in bed I told her I loved her and we were friends after that....until next time anyway.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Family Pictures Are Here

Pictures are finally here. Enjoy!!

Our Big Boy!

Our big boy is three months old to the day in this picture. This boy is developing quite the personality. He's got lady killer eyes that just break your heart looking at him, just like his cousin Cameron. It's a good thing those two boys don't live in the same town or there would be no ladies left in the town for all the other baby boys. He's also really cute just like his cousin Katelyn. In fact if you compare their baby pictures they look just like brother and sister. It's the Cook in them. He is a good baby boy. He is just so sweet. He rolled over for the first time a couple days ago. He hasn't been able to do it again since then, but he's working on it. He is a true boy, there is no mistaking that. He likes to cuddle with his mom and fart with his dad. We love him so much. He has brought a lot of joy into our lives.

Pajama Party

A couple weekends ago Ashley, Ben, Travis, and I decided we wanted to be hermits and hole up in our apartment. So we all told a few fibs posted a note on the door that said "Anniversary in Progress" We put a tie on the door, covered up the windows, locked the doors, got in matching pajamas, and watched movies and ate junk food all night. It was the first night all of us were home together at the same time. It was a bunch of fun!!