Saturday, October 9, 2010


Benjamin, Travis, and I had a wonderful summer. We had a lot of time to spend together as a family. It was a nice change from our busy school year. Here are a bunch of our summer pictures. The only pictures not in it is from the family reunion. I will post those later.

It was so nice to have Ben home this summer. I always woke up to a clean house and lunch. What more could I ask for!

Travis's favorite time was when I woke up for the day because that meant we got to go out and play together. If I slept in to long he would be at the bedroom door pounding on it.

Just before Father's Day we went out to the park and took a couple pictures. Little did Ben know I had a hidden agenda. This is the picture Travis put on his daddy's Father's Day tie.

Ben decided Tavis was big enough to feed himself. I'm sure he got at least a little in his belly.

Mama always helps clean up after Daddy's experiments.

We were able to go camping a few times this summer also. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we don't have to many pictures from this trip. I forgot to charge the camera.

We even brought Colonel with us. He enjoys the great outdoors!

We went to play the Wii at Grandma and Grandpa Cook's one weekend and decided to invite Grandma Sue and Chelsie and Angie. It was nice for Travis to get to play with both of his Grandma's at once. The rest of us had fun playing the Wii. Travis even learned what the Wii was. He has his own sign language for it.

Grandpa Cook took Travis fishing. They caught three fish on this trip.

Rulan the boyscout was picking us out a good fishing hole.

Although this might be a Ben-like thing to do, I promise there is water below the bushes.

We spent lots of time at Grandma and Grandpa Cooks this summer. Travis had fun every minute of it.

Travis snuck into his Grandpa's ice cream sandwiches.

More fishing.

My first catch of the year. Thanks for the help Rulan.

Colonel enjoys Rulan and Kathy's place. He loves the big backyard.

Kurt and Tristan stopped by the apartment a few times this summer. Travis always loves their visits. On one of these visits Kurt wore shorts. Wrong choice! Travis was enthralled with his hairy legs. He went right up to him and started petting them.

Look at those hairy things! How could he resist?

Travis stole the sunglasses right off Tristan's face so Tristan helped him put them on. He thought he was cool.

Another camping trip with my side of the family. Us girls were relaxing with Travis while poor Ben was slaving away putting up the tent.

This is definitely an Angie picture.

Travis loves the Camelbak.

Travis getting ready to take off and do something mischievous.

Travis is like his mom. If he doesn't get his sleep he gets very crabby. He took lots of naps this summer.

He is always helpful with the laundry.

One of Travis's favorite spots is his daddy's chair.

One of Travis's favorite sports is climbing.

How could you say 'no' to a face like this!

Colonel getting his fur all over the couch.

Tavis is getting so big. Too big for a lot of his toys so Ben and I like to buy him a new toy now and then. He really likes this one.

His favorite thing about it is that he feels so helpful with it.

Travis and Ben vacuuming the living room.

Travis's hair is finally coming in. He is going for a new look... spikes!

Friday, June 11, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers

A lot of things went on in the month of May. Here are some pictures with a quick update to get everyone caught up.

Every year for Valentines Day Ben always gets me a chocolate rose. He does this out of the kindness his heart and I thought he was going to get it for me again for Mother's Day. Because Ben does this out of thoughtfulness I have never told him how much I hate them. For Mother's Day I was really surprised when Ben brought me a Lily plant for Mother's Day. We got to watch it bloom over the week. It was really pretty and really nice and the perfect time to confess my hatred for the chocolate rose. Thank you for the beautiful flower my love!

May was also a special month because someone short and handsome had his first birthday. Both sets of Grandma's and Grandpa's pooled in money and got our Mr. Handsome a new car seat. This was Travy's last ride in his old one. He misses how comfy and laid back this one is, but love how spacious and higher up his new one is (Plus he loves the cup holder in the new one. It's funny because he already knows how to use it. He puts his bottle in it and takes it back out all on his own).

Ben and I got Travis a Scotty Savers and a new set of Sponge Bob jammies.

We went down to Rigby a few times in May for different reasons. In these pictures here Travis is at my parent's house eating his birthday dinner. One thing about Travis is that he is a very frugal boy and does not believe in wasting thing, especially food so he gave it to a couple beggars who thought they couldn't go without.

Travis also went and visited his Grandma and Grandpa Cook. They handed him a Dr. Pepper can not knowing he would know exactly what to do with it. And p.s. Ben and I have absolutely no clue how he knows what to do with a can....not a clue.

Grandma and Grandpa Cook surprised Travis with a story book...which is one of Travis's favorite things in the world. He loves to flip the pages and look at the pictures.

Our last event in May was Ashley's reception. There was a lot of food and dancing and lots of family. It turned out to be a lot of fun. Thanks for the party mom.

And also I don't think Alisha gets thanked enough for her contribution to the family. Thank you Alisha... for taking this pest off our hands back in December!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Walk In The Park

Ben and I are glad that school is out. It means good weather and more family time. We have a park next door that we try to go to everyday to get the baby and the dog out. We walk around the greenbelt and stop at our spot and let the dog run loose and try to teach Travis new skills. Here are some pictures.

Ben talking to Travis.

This is not one of the new skills I was talking about if you were wondering.

Colonel running loose.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Day At The Zoo

Saturday was my first day off in a couple of weeks and Ben has been really busy with school so we decided we need to get out of the house and do something as a family so we went to the zoo.

Ben was very insistent that we strap Travis in his stroller because he took a head dive last week. Not to worry the boy has a thick skull like his daddy and wasn't hurt.

Mama always has to spoil her baby. Travis's favorite fruit is the Churro.

We got caught in a badger holes.

Travis was too entertained by the elephant to look at the camera.

Mama's big boy.

Mama and Travy looking our best for the camera. . . Thanks Ben.

Daddy wanted to leave Travy with the monkey's, but I wouldn't let him.

Travy loves when his daddy gives him shoulder rides.

My little munchkin.