Monday, April 26, 2010

A Day At The Zoo

Saturday was my first day off in a couple of weeks and Ben has been really busy with school so we decided we need to get out of the house and do something as a family so we went to the zoo.

Ben was very insistent that we strap Travis in his stroller because he took a head dive last week. Not to worry the boy has a thick skull like his daddy and wasn't hurt.

Mama always has to spoil her baby. Travis's favorite fruit is the Churro.

We got caught in a badger holes.

Travis was too entertained by the elephant to look at the camera.

Mama's big boy.

Mama and Travy looking our best for the camera. . . Thanks Ben.

Daddy wanted to leave Travy with the monkey's, but I wouldn't let him.

Travy loves when his daddy gives him shoulder rides.

My little munchkin.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Must Be Doing Something Right!

I just thought I would update everybody on our lives since it has been a while for an update. Benjamin is busy as ever. He had a sad birthday, but we will make up for it this Friday. He is really busy with school and finals, but he is doing great. He is learning more everyday. It is kind of cute sometimes when he gets into his studying and learns new things. He gets really excited over it and tries to teach them to me. I learn new things sometimes and get to refresh my memory on other things that I have learned, but I do give him a hard sometimes when he tries to teach me the more obvious things. I do have to brag about Ben though. He is the husband every girl dreams of. The other day I was so trashed after work I just took a shower and crashed. Our house was a disaster as it usually is when I work. The laundry was ceiling high, three day old dishes on the counter. Kibbles and Bits all over the kitchen from Travis dumping the dogs food all over because he thinks its funny. The dogs toys and Travis's toys all over the house. I mean it was a real disaster! When I woke up the house was immaculate. All the laundry was washed, folded and put away. The toys were picked up. The floors vacuumed, swept, and mopped. The dishes washed and put away. The bathrooms cleansed and organized. The best part was dinner was warm and waiting on the stove. Talk about brownie points!!

Travis is doing really well. He is getting bigger every single day. I took him with me to Ben and my old work on Friday. This schizophrenic lady that is a jabber box came up to talk to me. At first I nervous because she has been known in the past to think other peoples children are her own, but she did just fine. She did however come ask me why I shave my babies head. I had to explain to her that I ask him everyday to grow hair, he just won't do it yet. That seemed to satisfy her. Travy is starting to stand on his own. When Ben comes home from school we go on our daily walk to the park with him and Colonel and we practice standing up with him in the grass. He is doing really well. He did have a head first face plant into a pile of mowed grass and has been a little skeptical ever since. It is a work in progress. He is a little stinker. The Easter Bunny brought him a box of chocolate chip cookies in his basket. One day I saw the dog eating one and I scolded the dog for it. It turns out that Travis likes to get the dog in trouble. We give Travis a cookie in his walker in the kitchen while we cook or clean and he watches us and the second we turn our heads he sneaks the dog a cookie. Then when we get after Colonel, Travis laughs.

A couple of things have happened to me too. My job is the most stressful job I have ever had. I absolutely hate it, but it feeds my baby and puts my husband through school and it's more than a lot of other people have right now so I have stuck with it. A couple of weeks ago my buddy, the only nurse left that I actually trusted for anything got fired over something that she was falsely accused of. So I have been on the down side about work. After a couple crazy things happened. Ben says I am making a mountain out of a mole hill, but I am so superstitious that I don't know what to think. I had Ben grab me an application from our old job Beacon. I filled it out then decided not to apply and stuck it in the desk drawer. The very next day (no joke) out of the blue the DNS from Beacon called me and asked me to come work on call or part time for them. I thought about it and talked about it with Ben and we decided not to take it because I don't want to work full time for my job and then pick up odds and ends for them and just be working all of the time. So I called back ready to tell her I couldn't accept it, but before I could say anything she told me she had a nurse put in her two weeks so she needed to hire someone full time. The only shift I can do is nights because of Travis so I didn't think I could take it, but it turns out one of the full time night nurses wanted to be moved to days so they needed a night time nurse. So then I thought about it and talked to Ben about it and still decided not to accept it because I didn't want to take a pay cut, so I talked to the DNS a little more about it and asked what they would pay. She said because they just switched companies she didn't know, but she would get the pay scale and call back. She called back and offered two more dollars an hour than I am making now. I am the kind of person that was cursed by mother with luck. I have the worst luck in the world so I am thinking there has to be a catch. I went in and spoke with the DNS and asked everything I could possibly think of to ruin this too good to be true offer and the perfect timing. I turned in my two weeks notice Friday and I start next weekend. It will be a busy three weeks for me because I will be working two jobs till my two weeks are up then I start up full time after orientation. Ben and I are both very excited about it. This will provide us with more money and me with more sleep. No more going to work on two hours of sleep because my shift starts at 10:00 now instead of 6:30 so when Ben comes home from school I can go straight to bed instead of going straight to work. It will be a lot less stressful on our family and our marriage. We are both excited about it. We must be doing something right because the timing and how everything worked out was incredible.

My cute little Travy smiling for the camera after church.

Travy's favorite thing to do is wake his mommy up for the day.

Ben and Colonel playing a game of risk

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Ben!

As everybody knows this week is Ben's birthday. His birthday hasn't even really come yet and it already hasn't turned out so well. I have to work on Ben's birthday so I was going to surprise him and trade a friend a shift so I could be home and make him a good dinner and we could eat cake and play games, but then the person I was going to trade lost their job out of the blue so I have no one else to trade. So we decided to celebrate Ben's birthday last Friday, but then he had a lot of classes to study for so we moved it to Saturday. Saturday came along and I made him the cake, but then forgot that I didn't buy any candles so we just ate the cake and between General Conference and Ben studying we didn't have much play time. I was so excited to give him his gift. I bought him Guild Wars extension pack or something like that. At the end of the day (like 9:30) I finally got Ben to open his gift and he was so excited to play it. I knew I had just done right, but it turns out that you can't buy a used computer game because there is only one access code. Whoops. Now (surprise, surprise) we can't contact the seller for a refund or exchange. So Ben's birthday was a flop and it hasn't even come yet, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Maybe we will have to re-celebrate next weekend.

At least Travis was able to enjoy the cake.

The Adventures of Travis and Colonel

Travis sure loves his puppy Colonel. They are like peas in a pod. They go back and forth tormenting each other until one gives up and leaves. Travis was really on one the other day. He was tormenting Colonel to no end. Colonel ended up leaving and going to his crate for a break. Did this stop Travis? NOPE! I turn my head for one minute the next thing I know Travis had chased after Colonel and crawled in his crate to give him some more trouble.

And we were afraid we would be protecting Travis from getting bit...

RAR!! Hear me roar.