Saturday, November 22, 2014

Relief Society Women's Retreat

A couple of months ago in Sacrament Meeting Ben and I heard that our ward was doing an overnight women's retreat. Ben of course poked me and said, "You're going." To which I laughed and said, "I don't think so." Ben told me he would really like me to go and I basically said not in his dreams and even if I wanted to it was very unlikely that we would both have the evening off so the kids would be watched. It was nothing personal, I just haven't been to a Relief Society activity in a very long time and we are antisocial. I've been here and there for short periods--very short periods, but from beginning to end it's probably been well over five years, if ever. As the weeks went on Ben kept bringing it up and wouldn't let it go so I told him I would go if I got it off. The new schedule came out and I was scheduled to work. So relieved I was. We actually were overstaffed by one and whenever that happens someone usually ends up with the "12 hour flu". I was set. Then a week before they changed the schedule on me and I suddenly had it off. I said I would go so I planned on it. I even volunteered to be a driver that way I felt more obligated to go. Then the day came. The weather was horrible. They ended up cancelling the overnight and moving dinner and a fireside to the church house. As the day went on I lost motivation. I told Ben I was no longer going. He was upset because he planned a fun pizza party with the kids while I would be gone and I was not apart of the party. I did what any woman would do. I was not going, I just had to make it his idea. I said, "Ben, look at how much it snowed. I bet they got a ton in Rigby. I bet that hill in your parents backyard is packed. Wouldn't it be fun to go sledding." I could see the wheels in his head turning. He said, "Maybe we could go tonight, but you'll miss your fireside and I wanted you to go." I said, "How about you call your dad and see if there is enough snow to sled. If there is we will go, if not we will stay and I will go to the fireside." He agreed. I knew I had won this battle up until Ben called Rulan and we found out that the power company was doing an upgrade and the power would be out until midnight. RATS!! (Not exact word that I was thinking, but close enough.) I had to go through with my promise. For some reason or another I was destined to go to this fireside. So I said, "Fine, but I'm getting a violent movie to watch after so I can be well rounded." I made good on my promise and went. I have to say, it was a really really good fireside. I really enjoyed it and was glad I went. Now, for the record that does not mean I will continue to go to these things. I am sure I will continue my resistance so nobody push it! I did attempt to watch my violent movie after, but I fell asleep 10 minutes into it. It was to be expected.
Before I left to the fireside Ben started his pizza party with the kids. I was able to snap a couple pictures.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Last night we had a cousin sleepover. Ashley asked me to watch her kids overnight. They get along so well, they are like brothers and sisters. Even Natty and Ethan, who used to be arch nemesis, are learning to get along really well.
At bedtime I let Haiden and Travis sleep in the guest room and I put Ethan and Natalie upstairs in Ben and my bed. Macie was in her crib so I slept in Trav's room so I could be in the middle of the two rooms during the night and hear if anyone got up. Charlie was in the room with me. About 3:00 in the morning Natty got up in the night. As she was walking passed Trav's room Charlie heard her footsteps and it scared him so he barked. It scared the holy bajeebers out of her. She took off screaming and running in the dark and face planted it in the hallway and started crying. Then Ethan woke up and started crying. It all sounds kind of funny now that it's over, but at the time I was sure ticked!

Monday, November 10, 2014

We're Back!

It's been over 2 years since our last post on BlogSpot. We've mainly been posting on Facebook, but Cali inspired me to start back up again here. Not going to make any promises, but I will try and make a valiant effort in updating weekly to stay in better contact. I remember when we started this up it was really fun to get on each Sunday and look at the new posts and see what was going on in everyone's life. We slowly got sucked into Facebook, which is good, but I think this is a little better and more personal. Thanks for inspiring me Cali!