Sunday, June 22, 2008

Now you see it; now you don't

As you all know a poll was put up on the blog a week ago. The poll was, "What would you rather see, Ben with shaved legs or Erin in pigtails". Our voters chose to see Ben with shaved legs. Ben refused to shave his legs unless he had a venus razor, so this week we went and bought one. Here are the long awaited pictures.

He looks so thrilled doesn't he?

Erin decide that we should buzz the legs with the hair trimmers first to cut down on accidents that may occur while shaving legs.

Erin is all smiles, but Ben is not too happy.

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

Ben was a frowny face up until the time I made him put on a pair of pants and then he felt great.

1 comment:

NJ said...

Erin! what is this fixation with removing hair from men!!
I love you add me to your blog!