Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ben and I were also able to visit Lagoon. Ben dragged me around to all the rides that I never wanted to be on in the first place just to see if he could get me to lose my lunch. Luckily, I didn't eat before I went on the rides or else the workers would have quite a mess to clean up. That's okay though because I dragged Ben on the Skycoaster and he screamed like a little girl. Unfortunately Lagoon doesn't do video's anymore and we didn't have anybody there to record us.

Here we are just before take-off.

Here is another picture of us shortly after. We had to take a break and sit on a bench for about a half hour to recuperate.


NJ said...

Hey Happy Anniversary! Next time you come down, you should give me a call!

Becky said...

BEN!!!!!!! update your blog!!!! you always complain that I never update mine but since I just did I am going to pick on you hahahhahaha so UPDATE!!!!!!