Sunday, October 26, 2008

September Barbeque

Ben and I have been very very busy since school has been going. We haven't had much time to do anything, but today I finally decided I would update the blog since we are almost two months behind. The only problem is that our camera has been out of reach (just to clarify, I didn't lose the camera, I just simply couldn't find it for a while) since we had a family barbeque in September so the last pictures we have are from the barbeque so here are the pictures.

Here is Ben with Carmel (he is staring at the juicy steaks on the grill).

Angie came to join him.

Kyle brought a guest, but we hope he keeps her.

Here is my mom, the master chef, and her accomplice Chelsie.

Here is their sidekick Kurtis (his wife was missing at the time of the picture).

After the barbeque we went and got pictures of us six kids with our mom (it was a long process and lots of butts were pinched).

After pictures we relaxed, here is Ashley and Angie.

Ben came and sat on me, but not for long because....

Priorities are first and Ben's priorities are with 'the boys' and Halo.

1 comment:

Cali said...

Are you a gaming widow, Erin?